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How to Check Your Roof After Storms

May 12, 2020

Storms are something that all homeowners worry about from time to time and for good reason. You don’t realise just how much damage things like wind and rain can do until well after the storm has hit.

Of course, in the aftermath of a big storm, one of the first things that you need to be concerned with is roof repair in Dubbo. If your roof is damaged, then that can lead to damage in other parts of your home, so it is always a good idea to keep tabs on what has been affected after some rough weather.

From the team here at Matt Diamond Plumbing, here are some tips for checking your roof after storms.

Inspect The Interior Of Your Roof

The first and easiest thing to do is carry out an inside inspection in your loft or attic space. Look out for things like sagging, water rings, dark patches and sunlight shining through any nooks and crannies. All of these visual clues are signs that you need to have some work done on your roof.

Check For Exterior Damage

From an external point of view, the simplest check you can make on your roof is to thoroughly scan it to see if there is visible damage.

Check On Any Attachments

If you have things like satellite dishes up on your roof, their cables are commonly sealed with something called ‘flashing’. In severe storms, flashing can sometimes become detached or damaged, and if it isn’t fixed quickly, it can start to affect the quality of the signal and services that the dishes are providing in your household.

Check Your Gutters For Blockages

You should also never forget to check all of your gutters for blockages and breakages, because that is also something that needs rectifying as soon as possible. Also check that the guttering and facias have not become loose.

Get In Touch

So, if you find that you do need roof repair in Dubbo, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. A member of our trained and experienced team will always be on hand to answer any questions that you might have. We look forward to setting up an appointment with you and being able to restore your roof to a perfect condition.

For more helpful plumbing and roofing advice, read our previous blog on a Plumber’s Guide To Installing Septic Tanks.

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